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Leonel’s Perspective: The Crucial Role of Sterile Processing Technicians

October 30, 2023

In honor of Sterile Processing Professionals Week, we have the privilege of introducing you to Leonel, a remarkable Sterile Processing Technician who plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of medical procedures. Dive into this Q&A to celebrate Leonel’s journey and gain insights into his experiences in this vital healthcare field!


Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in the medical field, particularly as a Sterile Processing Technician?

A: Service was and still is my #1 reason for pursuing a career in Sterile Processing. It’s a skill set that will ALWAYS be necessary in virtually every part of the world because peri-op never takes a day off.

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering a career as a Sterile Processing Technician, especially when it comes to the skills and qualities necessary to excel in this role?

A: Always ask questions: This is a field where we work out perfection is necessary every time. Unfortunately, we’re all human. But one way to minimize those mistakes is to ask any and all questions. Your fellow techs are there to help you. It’s one of the reasons I love this field. We’re always willing to help the newest member of the dept because we want to see them succeed.

Technique before speed: You will see other techs moving quicker than you. Do not try to match their speed. They have been doing it much longer and have spent years perfecting their technique. Learn how to do it right until it becomes natural. The speed will eventually come.

Customer service: This is a customer service field. We service clinics, vendors delivering trays, and nurses in high-stress environments. Always remain calm and patient when providing service throughout the dept. If you do not have the answer ask another tech.

Q: As we celebrate Sterile Processing Professionals Week, we’d love to know something fun about you outside of your professional life. Can you share a hobby or interest that brings joy to your days when you’re not providing patient care?

A: Biking is one of my favorite hobbies. I’ve loved bikes since I was about 6 years old. Going up hills is my favorite part because that’s the biggest challenge. I prefer single-speed for the city like NY and Philly. Mountain bikes for trails in Guatemala. It’s an activity that I can do at sunrise, sunset in the middle of the night, or on rainy days.

Thank you, Leonel, for sharing some of your stories and for everything you and your fellow Sterile Processing Technicians do for patients and for the healthcare industry—Happy Sterile Processing Professionals Week!


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