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Balancing Service Excellence in Healthcare: Patient Care, Workforce Investments, & Financial Strategy

March 28, 2024

The world of healthcare leadership is a constant tightrope walk. Leaders are tasked with achieving a seemingly impossible feat: balancing the delivery of high-quality patient care, investing in a skilled and satisfied workforce, and ensuring the financial stability of their organization. It's a complex juggling act where neglecting any one element can have cascading negative effects. 

We chatted with Chelsea Jones, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships on the GHR team, to discuss how healthcare leaders can take a balanced approach to service excellence in healthcare. 

Chelsea: "Historically, healthcare depended on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) to make decisions. In our current Era of rebuilding, leaders are continuing to face new challenges head-on. There is no magic formula for effective Healthcare leadership; however, learning how to prioritize what matters most can help any healthcare system thrive."   

The Three Pillars of Service Excellence in Healthcare

The foundation of exceptional healthcare service relies on three critical pillars: patient care, workforce investments, and financial strategy. These elements work together to ensure not only the well-being of patients but also the sustainability and growth of healthcare organizations.

Patient Care 

As the core mission of any healthcare organization, leaders are always ensuring that patients receive timely access to high-quality care, delivered by competent and compassionate professionals.  

As Forbes states, "Strong leadership paves the way for improved patient care." This translates to investments in cutting-edge technology that enhances diagnostics and treatment options. Leaders must also establish and maintain rigorous quality standards to ensure patient safety and optimal outcomes. However, true excellence goes beyond the technical; fostering a patient-centered approach is paramount. This involves open communication channels with both staff and patients, a culture of active listening, and a willingness to incorporate feedback into continuous improvement initiatives. 

By prioritizing these core elements, leaders create an environment where healthcare professionals can thrive and deliver exceptional care. Ultimately, strong leadership focused on patient care is the heart of an organization's ability to not only improve patient outcomes and satisfaction but also achieve long-term financial sustainability through a reputation for excellence. 

Workforce Investments 

A strong and engaged workforce is the backbone of any healthcare system. Leaders are tasked with the critical responsibility of attracting, retaining, and developing top talent. As The National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) aptly states, "Workforce strategies can be implemented in multiple areas: regulation, education, paid internship and scholarship opportunities, and burnout." However, addressing the workforce shortage requires more than just individual actions; it necessitates creative collaboration across multiple agencies and, as NASHP highlights, financial investment. 


"We are experiencing a significant healthcare culture shift."


This investment isn't simply an expense; it's a safeguard. Burnout and high turnover rates cripple patient care and the organization's stability. By investing in workforce development, competitive compensation, and programs that address burnout, leaders can foster a strong and engaged workforce. This, in turn, protects the organization from these detrimental effects, allowing them to deliver exceptional patient care and achieve long-term financial sustainability. 

Chelsea: “We are experiencing a significant healthcare culture shift. Previously, investments were prioritized in expanding patient care because the return on investment was obvious. Today, it is paramount that we find a way to shift our focus to investing in our workforce. We must treat our employees as if we are continuously recruiting them. We have to give them a reason to stay. We need to nourish their hunger for growth, longevity, a positive culture, and a voice. Career ladders, advocacy groups, and middle management training should not be an afterthought but a top priority.” 

"We must treat our employees as if we are continuously recruiting them."


Financial Strategy 

It’s no secret that healthcare organizations operate in a complex and constantly evolving financial ecosystem. Leaders must be adept financial acrobats, balancing cost management with securing adequate reimbursement to ensure solvency. Strategic planning, robust financial management practices, and the ability to navigate an ever-changing regulatory environment are crucial for success. 


"The financial well-being of any business relies on transparency and collaboration."


Industry predictions for 2024 healthcare finance paint a similar picture. CommerceHealthcare, for example, anticipates that "Financial challenges will impact all decision-making, as will workforce shortages and the need to pursue top-line growth alongside cost control."  

These predictions paint a picture of a healthcare landscape where leaders must be laser-focused on financial optimization while simultaneously addressing critical areas like workforce development and patient experience. 

Chelsea: “The financial well-being of any business relies on transparency and collaboration. Every player, from environmental services (EVS) staff to the CEO, plays a part in finances. Therefore, listening to and collaborating with each team is necessary. Professionals know their jobs best. Therefore, some of the best cost-saving opportunities can be found by simply asking each team, ‘How can we streamline your job?’” 

The Interconnected Web

These three pillars are not independent; they are inextricably linked.  


"By leveraging technology and breaking down barriers, healthcare leaders can integrate patient care, employee engagement, and financial strength into a unified priority."


High-quality patient care translates to better financial performance. Improved patient outcomes and satisfaction can lead to better reimbursement rates and patient loyalty. 

Investments in a satisfied and skilled workforce lead to better patient care. Happy and engaged staff are more likely to provide compassionate care and be more productive.  

Financial stability allows for continuous investment in patient care and workforce development. A secure financial footing enables organizations to acquire state-of-the-art equipment, provide staff training, and maintain competitive salaries. 

Chelsea: “It's no secret that juggling these three priorities is no easy feat. However, it's a matter of perspective. Traditionally, these three pillars operated separately. However, there's a different way forward. By leveraging technology and breaking down barriers, healthcare leaders can integrate patient care, employee engagement, and financial strength into a unified priority. Innovation is on the rise, and finding the tools and partnerships to help blend the priorities of healthcare is crucial.”

So, how can healthcare leaders navigate this complex balancing act? Here are some key strategies:


Finding the Equilibrium

Achieving a balanced approach in healthcare management is essential for providing top-notch patient care while ensuring organizational efficiency and financial health. This equilibrium can only be reached by breaking down traditional silos and fostering a culture of collaboration. 

Break Down Silos 

Traditionally, hospital systems have functioned in silos, with patient care, workforce management, and financial departments operating largely independently. This separation creates unnecessary stress and hinders effective decision-making. The more we can link these three pillars together, the more readily we will find the equilibrium. By fostering cross-departmental collaboration and information sharing, leaders can identify opportunities to leverage resources more efficiently, improve patient outcomes, and achieve financial sustainability. 

Leverage Data-Driven Decision Making 

Granular data analysis unlocks the key to optimizing all three pillars. Understanding your patient population, workforce needs, and financial performance allows for proactive decision-making. Imagine predicting staffing shortages, identifying high-risk patients, and pinpointing areas for cost-effective care. Data empowers this foresight. Analyzing vast datasets unveils hidden patterns – like a link between high turnover and low patient satisfaction. Leaders can then address the root cause, improving both staff retention and patient experience. 

Data-driven decisions are not just about numbers; they're about creating a more efficient, effective, and patient-centric healthcare system. 


"Data-driven decisions are not just about numbers; they're about creating a more efficient, effective, and patient-centric healthcare system."


Focus on Value-Based Care 

Shifting the focus from volume to value prioritizes preventive care, improved patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. Traditional models incentivized high-volume procedures, potentially leading to unnecessary interventions. Value-based care flips the script, rewarding providers for keeping patients healthy. Imagine identifying patients at high risk for diabetes and implementing personalized wellness plans. This not only improves patient outcomes but also translates to significant cost savings for all stakeholders. 

By prioritizing value-based care, healthcare organizations create a win-win situation. Patients receive preventive care and personalized treatment plans, leading to better health outcomes and increased satisfaction. This reduces the burden on the entire healthcare system, freeing up resources for further advancements. 

Invest in Employee Engagement 

Invest in your workforce by creating a positive, collaborative environment that fosters professional development and well-being. Empowered and engaged employees provide exceptional patient care, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty. A happy and motivated workforce is also more likely to stay with the organization, reducing costly turnover. 

Employees are the backbone of any healthcare organization. Disengaged staff negatively impacts patient care, staff morale, and, ultimately, the organization's financial health. Leaders must cultivate a work environment that fosters collaboration, professional development, and employee well-being. This includes competitive compensation and benefits but also extends to training programs and mentorship initiatives that demonstrate the organization's investment in its employees. A collaborative environment where employees feel valued and heard leads to increased job satisfaction and a stronger sense of purpose. 

Prioritize Innovation and Efficiency 

Healthcare delivery can be revolutionized by embracing innovation. Imagine improving patient access to care with telemedicine solutions, while simultaneously reducing costs associated with in-person visits. Innovation extends beyond patient care. Automating administrative tasks frees up valuable staff time to focus on patients. Utilizing technology to break down silos and improve communication and collaboration across departments leads to increased efficiency and improved resource utilization, benefiting both patient care and financial performance. 

Establish Community Partnerships 

Collaboration is key to a thriving healthcare ecosystem. Partnering with other healthcare providers, community organizations, and educational institutions allows organizations to share resources, improve access to care for the community, and potentially reduce overall costs. These partnerships can take many forms. Joint ventures for specialized services, educational programs for the workforce, or community outreach initiatives focused on preventative care are all examples. 


"Leaders who prioritize community partnerships understand that the success of their organization is intertwined with the well-being of the broader community they serve."


By working together, healthcare organizations can expand their reach, improve population health outcomes, and potentially reduce the overall cost of care in the community. This collaborative approach strengthens the entire healthcare system, ultimately benefiting patients, staff, and the financial health of all participating organizations. 

Leaders who prioritize community partnerships understand that the success of their organization is intertwined with the well-being of the broader community they serve. 


The Path to Excellence

While there is no single "magic formula" for success, healthcare leaders who prioritize all three pillars and actively seek ways to optimize their interconnectedness can achieve a more stable and sustainable healthcare organization. This approach fosters a culture of excellence where patient needs are met, employees are valued, and financial stability provides the foundation for continuous improvement.



The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies, changing reimbursement models, and workforce trends emerging. Healthcare leaders must be agile and adaptable, continuously evaluating and refining their strategies to maintain this crucial balance. By prioritizing patient care, investing in their workforce, and implementing sound financial practices, healthcare leaders can ensure their organizations not only survive but thrive in this ever-changing environment.


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Chelsea Jones

Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships | GHR Healthcare

With over a decade in healthcare, Chelsea's career has been a journey of dedication and impact. Starting in recruitment and advancing into leadership and workforce solutions, she's driven by a passion for transparency and problem-solving in healthcare staffing.

Now part of the GHR Healthcare team, Chelsea focuses on workforce innovation, retention, and employee wellness. Collaborating closely with healthcare leaders, she strives to make a positive difference in the industry.


Sources: Forbes | NASHP | CommerceHealthcare




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